Message from Our Head of School

There are many reasons for choosing a particular school for your child. Most parents want a safe, nurturing environment with highly educated professionals in charge of the classrooms. We are able to provide that aspect plus a Montessori education.

Dr. Maria Montessori believed that no human being is educated by another person. The child must do it his/herself or it will never be done. Dr. Montessori felt it was most important to “follow the child” to cultivate his/her own natural desire to learn.

We begin with a respect for children as unique individuals. There is a deep concern for their social and emotional development.

Montessori classes bring children together in multi-age groups. Generally, this will span three years. Teachers develop close relationships with their students and a “community of learners” is easily formed, with older friends mentoring younger ones. Teachers become familiar with the learning styles of their children and there is an ease of recognition at the start of a new school year.

Montessori relies on hands-on concrete learning materials. Learning is not focused on rote drills and memorization. The goal is for children to understand and to be excited about their work.

Students develop self-discipline and an internal sense of purpose and motivation while becoming lifelong learners. They collaborate on group projects and strive for their personal best rather than being competitive with their peers.

As a parent or guardian of a student, you are welcome to watch a classroom through the window at any time. If you are interested in observing in the classroom or having a tour of our school, please call to schedule an appointment.

Karen Rubenstein
Head of School